SBBA Beautification Committee
The SBBA Beautification Committee is dedicated to creating a welcoming environment and an enjoyable experience for the residents and visitors of Salisbury Beach.
Each spring, the committee plants flowers throughout the community and hangs more than 30 American flags along North End Boulevard. The beautification committee was responsible for the design and installation of the two welcome signs.
We are always looking for volunteers. Please join us. Bring your green thumb and your desire to keep Salisbury Beach beautiful.
To volunteer, please contact Maribeth Timony at
Beautification Committee
Special Projects​
Proceeds from the Beautification Committee Special Projects support:
The display of American flags along North End Boulevard
Planting of flowers and maintenance of the beach welcome signs
Cigarette disposal boxes at the beach center
Benches with a dedication to a family member or friend
Participating in Sunflowers for Salisbury
Salisbury Beach Cleanups
2024 Schedule:
Saturday, 9-11am. Rain dates are always on Sunday, 9-11am
May 18-June 15 - July 20 - August 17
Before heading out to the sand and surf with your ‘carry in-carry out’ food and beverages from GroundSwell, grab some gloves and a bag and pick up some trash. Make it a better, feel-good day. We will all love you for it, too!